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Irshadullah Patwary & CoIrshadullah Patwary & CoIrshadullah Patwary & Co
(Sat - Thursday)
Mouchak Moor, Dhaka-1217
Irshadullah Patwary & CoIrshadullah Patwary & CoIrshadullah Patwary & Co

Corporate and Secretarial

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Corporate and Secretarial

The firm provides comprehensive accounting and bookkeeping services to its clients. These include;

Advice and assistance in setting up of corporate structures
Incorporation of companies
Registration of branches with Board of Investment and registering the branch with BIDA and subsequent renewals from BIDA
Liquidation and winding up of joint stock companies
General compliance of Companies Act, 1994 requirements
Registration of Gratuity/Provident/Pension Funds
Share certificate services

Registration of partnership firms with RJSC
Maintenance of statutory and non- statutory books
Providing corporate technical advice on various issues
Obtaining permits / licenses / approvals from various authorities for tour operators/security services/manpower exporters etc
Miscellaneous secretarial service

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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