No1 : World’s best Finance company in America
Irshadullah Patwary & CoIrshadullah Patwary & CoIrshadullah Patwary & Co
(Sat - Thursday)
Mouchak Moor, Dhaka-1217
Irshadullah Patwary & CoIrshadullah Patwary & CoIrshadullah Patwary & Co

Accounting & Bookkeeping

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Accounting & Bookkeeping

The firm provides comprehensive accounting and bookkeeping services to its clients. These include;

Bookkeeping services
Cloud accounting systems
General Ledger Accounting
Accounts Payables
Account Receivables
Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss, Cash Flow
Payroll Accounting
Fixed Assets Accounting
Project Accounting
Bank Reconciliations
Treasury and Cash Accounting
All aspects of accounting and bookkeeping

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