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Irshadullah Patwary & CoIrshadullah Patwary & CoIrshadullah Patwary & Co
(Sat - Thursday)
Mouchak Moor, Dhaka-1217
Irshadullah Patwary & CoIrshadullah Patwary & CoIrshadullah Patwary & Co

Taxation and VAT

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Taxation and VAT

We provide a comprehensive range of tax and VAT services to both local and international clients. We advise international clients on appropriate tax and VAT planning strategies and on structuring their commercial and personal interest in the most tax-efficient way. Our taxation advisory services cater for the requirements ranges from companies to individuals seeking personal tax advice.

The firm specializes in providing services to foreign companies and their employees working in Bangladesh.

The core services are as follows:

National and International tax planning
Employees benefits
Expatriate Taxation
Information reporting
Personal Tax and Financial Planning
Opinion on complicated tax issues
Consultancy on double taxation agreements
Cost and depreciation studies
Preparation and Filing of Tax Returns
Finalization of assessments
Review of the transactions as to whether VAT is deducted as sources
Financial projections reporting
Management audits
Agreed-upon procedures report
Finalization of Assessments
Appeals before various offices
Tax computations
Filing of Tax With-holding return
Employee taxation services
Advice to client as per client requirement
Attendance of hearings of income tax/VAT/customs and excise
Imparting of tax related trainings
Recognition of Provident Funds/Gratuity Funds
Tax refund cases
Individual personal tax advice and return filings
VAT Registration
VAT assessment at various level
VAT return preparation & submission
Revenue and VDS reconciliation
The firm also provides assistance to the lawyers for tax references / writ petitions before the High Court, as we have business association with reputed tax lawyers on regular basis

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