No1 : World’s best Finance company in America
Irshadullah Patwary & CoIrshadullah Patwary & CoIrshadullah Patwary & Co
(Sat - Thursday)
Mouchak Moor, Dhaka-1217
Irshadullah Patwary & CoIrshadullah Patwary & CoIrshadullah Patwary & Co

About Us

IRSHADULLAH PATWARY & CO. was established in the year 1980 and is a leading Chartered Accounting firm in Bangladesh’s professional service organizations. It provides diverse services to its wide range clients in the Government, Autonomous Bodies, Private Enterprises and NGO’S.

The firm is enlisted with almost all Corporations, Autonomous Bodies, Government and Semi-Government Organizations and has a sizable client base including private sector enterprises and proprietor having experiences with national and multinational companies and undergone training at home offering a wide range of services in the areas of audit and investigation, accounting, corporate affairs and taxation and VAT, system analysis, business process mapping and computerization of accounting and financial management system/MIS and management consulting.

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Our Vision

To be a respected and trusted professional firm and recognized as a leading service provider in core areas.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide quality service with the help of competent professionals of relevant field at an affordable cost.

Our Values

Our core values are driven by Integrity, Innovation, Excellence, Leadership and Mutual respect.

We have over 40 years experience

We have been a mainstay of knowledge in the field of chartered accounting for more than 40 years. Our reputation as a reliable partner for financial success has been cemented by our continuous dedication to excellence and unwavering commitment to our clients. 

Let’s have a meeting….

Are you prepared to advance in your financial management and goal-setting? Set up a meeting with one of our knowledgeable chartered accountants. The complexity of accounting, taxation, and financial planning are what we’re here to help you with. Together, let’s explore your needs and identify the best options.


Years Experience


Successfull Project


Happy Clients

Our most honorable partners

Let’s have a cup of coffee!

We provide exceptional Financial services to a wide range of commercial and residential properties for over 35 years, including large corporate environments,

Book Meeting:

We provide exceptional Financial
commercial and residential properties corporate environments,

    Our services:

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    Audit and Assurance

    An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosure in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Read More

    Accounting & Bookkeeping

    The firm provides comprehensive accounting and bookkeeping services to its clients. Read More

    Taxation and VAT

    We provide a comprehensive range of tax and VAT services to both local and international clients. We advise international clients on appropriate tax and VAT planning strategies and on structuring their commercial and personal interest in the most tax-efficient way.. Read More

    Corporate and Secretarial

     The corporate and secretarial services that are provided to our clients include the following; Read More


    Following core services in the field of financial, management and human resource advisory are provided; Read More

    Business Solutions

    The firm specializes in the provision of following business solutions to its clients: Read More

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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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